Thursday, November 18, 2010

Done and Done!

So I spent the last two days crawling around my floor mounting art for the 1st and 2nd grade art show; I am absolutely tapped out.  Because of certain issues, we (the other art teacher and I) mounted the artwork on large sheets of black bulletin board paper to be hung on the wall.The way I did mine meant working on the floor was easier than the tables. But I am sore, and my knees feel absolutely shredded.

But everything is hung and labeled now! Yay!  We've gotten a lot of positive reactions from teachers and students so far.  The older kids keep asking when they get to have an art show (it will be in the spring). I am very happy they're all so excited.

Overall, very pleased with how it all looks and the reactions.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back in the Saddle! (Or at Least Trying to Blog Again)

When the new school year started, I had every intention of blogging on at least a semi-regular basis.  Alas, I have been lazy.  Of course, things have been rather busy...